Red snapper can be found at depths ranging from 30 to 600 feet, but the most common depths to fish for them are between 50 and 120 feet. They are bottom dwellers that prefer to be near protective structures like reefs, shipwrecks, piers, and seawalls.
Red snappers are both deep water and shallow dwellers. You can find them at any depth between 30 and 200 feet, usually huddled by nearby protective structures. Favorite hot spots include piers, seawalls, and old wreckage.
Red Snapper is arguably one of the most delicious catches in Florida. And a tasty dinner is precisely the reward you deserve after a long day of overpowering them. As if that’s not enough, Red Snappers are ranked high on the fine-looking fish list. So, not only will you have brag-worthy stories and mouth-watering bites, but you’ll also have an insanely photogenic trophy to show off, too.