Centennial Park
1059 N Tamiami Trail
Sarasota, Florida 34236
Mobile Numbers:
(941) 202-2995
(239) 465-9960
Email: greggwillner2@aol.com
Hart’s is located right beneath the John Ringling Brother Bridge on the EAST Side.
First, If your coming from Long boat Key, proceed to go over the bridge. Secondly, as your descending down the bridge you’ll come to a light. Thirdly, at that light you’ll make a U-Turn to go back onto the bridge. Fourth, stay in the right lane and look for an access road that will take you off the bridge. Lastly, continue around till you see Hart’s Landing.
Website for Hart’s is hartsbaitshop.com.
About Harts Landing:
Furthermore, the Hart’s family ledgend Deamus Hart started Hart’s Landing in 1934 with a 100-foot seine net, a bottle of Jack Daniels whiskey, and a bonfire on the beach at Golden Gate Point. However, Seine net was used to catch shrimp. Consequently, bonfires were used as a light to attract shrimp to the net, and Deamus used the Jack Daniels whiskey to keep himself warm in the cool spring night. furthermore, the following day he would sell three dozen shrimp for “two bits” (25 cents) to his fishing customers.
Equally important, Hart’s Landing started at the foot of the old John Ringling Causeway which used to be off Golden Gate Point. Hence, if you look closely across the bay from the end of our dock you can still see where the old bridge came across. Also, bait tanks were situated in the shallow waters near the bridge because back then there were no pumps to aerate the water to keep the shrimp alive. Finally, Deamus would wade out to the tanks, scoop out the shrimp and eventually fill a customer’s bucket with lively, fresh bait shrimp and pelchers if caught. In the meantime, if you get a chance to come by our store, please stop by the bait shop and chat with one of our staff members about our services.